

**** English version below****















Fukushima Diary "JP Gov is planning to remove the antu-nuclear tent in front of METI":

経産省前テントひろば "【緊急】報道・記者会見予定など拡散願います。":


Dear friends across Japan,

Tomorrow, Minister Edano will evict the brave Fukushima mothers, bowing to nuclear industry pressure to silence their noble cause -- and putting their children's lives at continued risk. But our outcry can compel Minister Edano to stop this shocking action -- send a message now:

It's outrageous! - the Minister of the Economy has just ordered the eviction of the Fukushima mothers peacefully camping outside METI to demand a radiation-free future for their children. We have just 24 hours before police move in to tear down the tents, it's up to us to stop them now!

Minister Edano is bowing to bullying from the powerful nuclear industry -- they are furious that the brave mothers’ hard efforts are working. Their struggle has captured public attention and across the country people are speaking out to end unsafe nuclear energy. But their fight for their children's lives will be crushed unless we now all support these courageous women and stop their eviction.

We have only one day! Let’s flood Mr Edano's inbox with thousands of messages now, calling on him to revoke his eviction order. It's time that our politicians put people and safety before profit. Click to stand with the Fukushima mothers now and help end the nuclear industry’s dirty tactics -- then forward this to everyone:


Something amazing is happening in Japan. Months after the Fukushima disaster, the public is waking up to the fact that nuclear energy is neither safe nor clean. The efforts of these few hundred activists have persistently broken into the media, and created a very real public concern about dangerous radiation levels and what they mean for the future of Japan.

The pressure is working. Right now, there are only 4 nuclear power plants operating in Japan, and at the end of April that number could drop to zero. The powerful nuclear industry is scared, and is now fighting back with all its might -- it knows that the longer the Fukushima mothers camp outside of METI, the more public support they gather. That's why it's using all of its might to push government allies to end the protest, and return things back to a nuclear friendly normality. But we can’t go back.

On Friday, Tokyo police and METI officials will move in to forcefully remove the protesters. They will threaten them with prison and fines, but they are there peacefully, and legally. Let's come together now as Japanese citizens and urge the government to listen to people, not the clinking of sake cups at nuclear-sponsored dinners. Our action today can protect the democratic right of people to protest and also strengthen the resolve of the brave mothers and activists who are fighting for a safe tomorrow for all of us. There's only 24 hours left, send your message now, and forward this to everyone you know:


The window of opportunity to build a green and clean energy future in Japan is wide open right now. If we stand together, we can keep it open, and it starts now, by protecting the right of the Fukushima mothers to peacefully protest.

With hope,

Iain, Kya, Ben, Alice and the rest of the Avaaz team


Fukushima Diary "JP Gov is planning to remove the antu-nuclear tent in front of METI":

経産省前テントひろば "【緊急】報道・記者会見予定など拡散願います。":


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